Know Your Legal Rights In The Workplace

Hilborn & Konduros Law Firm in Cambridge, Ontario offers legal experience you can trust.

If you’ve been feeling uneasy about your work environment, duties, workload or relationships in the workplace and your gut is telling you that your employment many be coming to an end, it’s important to arm yourself with basic knowledge of your rights and entitlements, before your concerns may regrettably be proven justified.

Here are some warning signs that something may not be right at your workplace.

•    Your responsibilities are being unilaterally taken away.

•    You have received a “warning letter” from your employer that you feel is unfair or unjustified.

•    You have been advised that your position or location will be changing.

•    A personality or professional conflict with a colleague or superior is interfering with your ability to do your job.

•    Your workload is being dramatically reduced or unreasonably increased.

•    You’re regularly at the receiving end of discriminatory or harassing actions or comments.

•    You’re hearing rumblings at work about changes ahead that may affect your position or livelihood.

•    You have brought a legitimate workplace concern to the attention of your superiors, without response or action.

If you sense a serious workplace problem on the horizon, it can be very useful to consult with us first. The right legal advice and guidance can ensure that you act most advantageously as your workplace issues develop.

If you have already been terminated and offered a severance package, it is advisable that you let us review it, prior to you accepting or signing a release of liability. No two individuals are alike and every employee’s circumstances are different. We will review your severance package prior to you accepting to ensure it is just. Far too often, an employer’s first offer is usually just that – their first offer.

At the Hilborn & Konduros Law Firm only get paid when you do, and we never charge any money up front. To book your free consultation please contact us at (519) 658-6341 or visit our comprehensive website at to learn more. Our office is located at 39 Queen Street West in Cambridge, Ontario.